
Stand Up For Zoraya


Purple Keyboard Campaign 4 Family Justice Reform! - Write ONE Letter

Here's a special request from's President Michael Farris

Feel free to share your story (briefly) here, but please be sure to email it to as well.
Thank you for your help!

On September 9, I will be testifying before the United States House of Representatives' Constitution Subcommittee. The hearing is on the Parental Rights Amendment.

If you have recent stories of how doctors or other medical providers have prevented YOU as parents from coming with your child for treatment or testing, etc. or other such interference in your parental rights please send your stories to

Please share this post so that I can get as many examples as possible. I want to give Congress an idea of how rapidly this problem is escalating.

Please share this post so that I can get as many examples as possible. I want to give Congress an idea of how rapidly this problem is escalating.

You must secure FACTS for your life... a fact is a truth... so let there be truth!! and light of course... and let that truth be that you have a court order from a judge or magistrate that defines your legal status as a parent based on your abilities and the best interests of yourself as a parent to this child and this child's interests respective of parental guidance.

Do not wait, do not ponder... do not will and wish and wash your own face with your tears. Simply gather the strength of your love for your child and the self respect and self love you have... Figure out the exact process to establish legal rights defined in a court order (starting with a piece of paper where you write down what you want from your relationship with your child WITHOUT the Mother being a part of your wants on this list...). Determine the process cost and starting point and start positioning yourself to engage the process.

Do not use the word 'fathers rights' in court. Use PARENTAL RIGHTS. Do not use HUMAN RIGHTS as a reference to a judge because the judge knows that is the end all and starting point of all rights and it can subconsciously come out as a condescending reference to a 'bigger idea'; instead use references such as: 'In regards to best interests of parenting' Approach 'parenting' as an idea that means so much more then Man Vs Woman (because it does...) and sell that... because most likely even some of the people reading this have deep seeds believing women are better or more natural parents then men. The reality is that you can brain wash children to grow up believing realities that simply divide and harm others.

Never should a law read Fathers, Mothers... It should simply read: Parents... a Parents rights account for the rights of a parent. the moment a gender is assigned, it is a gender discriminative marker granting access to violate your human rights.

You may not be able to get exactly what you want, or run through the streets waving the 'fathers rights' or HUMAN RIGHTS flag.... but you can learn how to speak to those who hold positions of authority and you can secure your rights as a parent.

If you have the strength and aptitude to stand up for yourself as a parent.

You MUST also write ONE letter to your local representatives and request that laws be reviewed to grant Equality to parents irregardless of gender and site local region or area examples of how gender bias prevents the best interest of a child from having two loving equal parents to raise that child.#StandUpForZoraya - - Children's Rightss


How to Conduct a Family Estrangement (and Why They're Awful) | Psychology Today

Exploring the pervasive, and unperceived, patterns that govern our lives
by Seth Meyers and Katie Gilbert - Insight Is 20/20

Family estrangement is among the most counter-intuitive human behaviors.


Parents ‘giving up’ on the family courts?

Reblog  Parents ‘giving up’ on the family courts - Marilyn Stowe Blog

Excerpt -  "new statistics showing that the number of private family cases involving children dropped by a substantial 36 per cent in the 12 months to July. Examples of such cases include divorce, residence and contact hearings."
Leonard Henderson at AFR News - 2 hours ago
[image: logo] *Sign the Petition* *Donate* *Volunteer* *Learn More* *View Online* *Aug. 26, 2014* *Members Fuel Fight to Save Parental Rights* They’re after our kids – the judges, the bureaucrats, the internationalists, the big government elites – and they seem to think they can make better decisions for our children than we can. And they know – they *know* – that if they can shape the hearts and minds of this next generation, there will soon be no one left to resist them at all. *The only thing stopping them is you. *Your constitutional right to direct the up... more »


JUSTICE IS COMING - Florida Family Court Judges Report

This tab contains blog posts submitted by network members. When writing a blog...
  • JUSTICE IS COMING! Magazine - World4Justice (Lobby Forum) Justice4Children NOW!