
Stand Up For Zoraya


It's for Families


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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Lessons Moms Have Learned From Their Dads

Kevin McKeever at NYC Dads Group -
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What Does Name "Zoraya" Mean

You have aspiration and inspiration, hope and guidance. Since you are intuitive and perceptive and you understand human nature. You have the power to achieve. Diplomacy and discretion make you a good mediator. You are inspired, introspective, and have a good understanding of the human heart. You can have the ability to commercialize your artistic talents successfully. You are often a mystery to others and to yourself. You are always reaching for something higher, without exactly knowing what that "higher" is. You are frank, methodical and believe in law, system and order. You are seeking freedom, opportunities to enjoy life: to make love, to go places and to do things. You are very adventurous and willing to take risk to achieve your objectives. New ways and new experiences can't satisfy your restless nature. One adventure leads you to another. You are honest and fair, because you know that this is the only way to receive justice and honesty from other people. But your personal growth is vital for your, and it is difficult to be tied down by rules and obligations. Your restless spirit might best controlled by choosing the field of work that meet your demand for action and adventure.
The BEST Parent is BOTH Parents!

Father and Child


Perseverance Op To End Parental Alienation Child Abuse

This type Psychological Abuse or Family Legal Abuse can cause a parent(s) a traumatic “injury”. We’re talking about very...
Posted by Childrens Rights Florida on Thursday, September 24, 2015


Are Two Parents Really Better Than One?