Post-traumatic Stress in the Rupture of Parent-child Relationships

Please stop the unfair punishment of good fathers. We need reform now! | Petition2Congress
March 12, 2016
Dear President Obama:
Dear Representative Diaz-Balart:
Dear Senator Nelson:
Dear Senator Rubio:Dear Governor Scott:
Dear Representative Diaz-Balart:
Dear Senator Nelson:
Dear Senator Rubio:Dear Governor Scott:
I am a divorced FIT Father of a boy (from marriage) and a girl (unwed DNA proven bio-dad).

I have no problem paying child support as proven by my payment records.
That is until the Miami-Dade County 11th Judicial Circuit Family Court destroyed my life, and caused negligent infliction of severe emotional distress which has caused a "medically documented" injury by a Complex Sub-category of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In a nutshell I fear the Family Court. Additionally, I am the victim of medical malpractice by Psychiatrist Dr. Carter who has a case pending against him by the Florida Department of Health.
Reluctantly I filed for disability in 2010 and still have not prevailed despite the work of Social Security Advocates Binder and Binder. I had to filed bankruptcy in 2010; but that is typical (and statistically proven by the movie Divorce Corp released in Jan 2014) of anyone that has to fight in America's Family Courts.
Answer this simple question:
Why does the Broward County FL 17th Judicial Circuit Family Court have absolutely no concern (nor does his mom), since 2002 to today, to be in my son's life with joint custody?
Recently I appeared before Judge Dale C. Cohen on my motion requesting a continuance on contempt proceedings so I could take my son to the Pacific Northwest for a month during the summer. Honorable Judge Cohen said, "have a good time".
Thereby establishing my parental fitness.
And the Florida 11th Judicial Circuit Family Court denies any access (visitation/timesharing) with me, my son (her brother), my family to my daughter?? My daughter could've traveled with her brother and dad to see Mount Rainier, go to a Pow Wow, learned about Lewis and Clark, and so many things...
Zoraya would've loved it!!
All this happen when I did the right thing and hired a lawyer to file a Petition for Paternity (Right to Parent my daughter). Case No. 2008-029595 began on December 4th, 2008. It continues today.

This is Emotional Child Abuse...plain, simple, AND ESTABLISHED.
The case 2008-029595 of the Florida 11th Judicial Circuit is proof of Civil and Human Rights Violations. Not even the Department of Children and Families will respond to my plea to help me stop the proven emotional child abuse of my daughter Zoraya. Please help her or please help me to help her...I beg you!

In June of 2004 my son's mom and I got divorced. I have known my son's mom since 1992.
I have known my daughter's mom since 1990 and we dated until 1994. In November of 2004 she contacted me and we reunited, dated, and lived together beginning in January of 2005. Our daughter was born in 2006.We got engaged in Paris in October 2007. We broke up in June 2008 and I moved out. I focused on my work, my children, and family. As a District Sales Manager for a Multi-National Company I had to travel internationally every week between Mondays and Fridays. I only had the weekend for my children.
As we were still friends I was able to have normal time-sharing with our daughter (by mutual agreement) during the weekends that is until October 5th, 2008 (our daughter's 2nd birthday).
After spending a "family" day out (Mom, Dad, my son David, and our daughter Zoraya) celebrating Zoraya's birthday, mom tells me that "since she didn't need 'her' father Zoraya doesn't need me". Those words I will never forget.
After Zoraya's birthday, as promised, mom began to deny me any visit with our daughter. Mom served me with a Temporary Restraining Order on the 2nd week of October. During the DV hearing on October 27th, that mom and I attended without lawyers, mom and I admitted to Honorable Judge Cohn that "there were never any acts of domestic violence since we've known each other" and mom answered "no" when the Judge asked her if she felt I was a danger to her and or our daughter.

Honorable Judge Don S. Cohn denied and dismissed mom's petition stating "No Just Cause". The Judge never addressed how I was going to see our daughter leaving me in limbo and afraid of mom.