A self-censored chronicle of family court dramas, lived by parents who lost all or some visitation with or custody of a child or children based on perjury and/or other false courtroom evidence
Another year of children being forcibly separated from their fathers in secret courts.
Another year of fathers driven to suicide by the loss of their family and their barbaric treatment at the hands of our secret courts and the Child Support Agency.
Another year of broken promises from our politicians who scurry into hiding at the mere whisper of Fathers4Justice.
Another year of often willful ignorance, disinformation, bigotry and lazy prejudice in the media designed to malign a group whose sole aim is to ensure a child’s human rights to their fathers are enshrined – not abused behind closed doors.
No wonder they call this pitiful excuse for journalism the ‘lamestream’ media when we haven’t heard a single media outlet accurately report the facts.
Ian Douglas in today’s Telegraph writes “Fathers4Justice have just set back dads’ rights by decades.”
That’s an inflammatory accusation, so where is the evidence for his claim?
As the 2011 Norgrove report confirmed, fathers have no rights and should have no rights. 200 dads are losing contact with their children every day in secret courts by judges who sit under the Crown. Many of the legally binding court orders fathers have to see their children simply aren’t enforced. The CSA has reduced fathers to the status of sperm banks and cashpoints. (If Ian wants to read our fact sheet he can find it here )
We are a nation of first-class fathers, treated as second-class parents. And increasingly, many of us feel like outlaws in our own country.
As a result of this demonisation and denigration of fatherhood, millions of children will have little or no contact with their fathers this Father’s Day.
As the Centre for Social Justice said this week, up to 75% of children in inner cities live without their fathers in what they called ‘father deserts’.
So what do we do? Just sit back and do nothing?
Did Ian Douglas want us to engage with our political classes? If he had been paying attention he would know we spent five long years, engaged with the political establishment. For what? Ten broken Tory promises, and for just three MP’s out of 650 to turn up to the Shared Parenting meeting held by George Galloway MP in Parliament on Wednesday.
If journalists like Ian Douglas really cared about this issue, it shouldn’t have taken a man with a spray can sending a message to the Queen in Westminster Abbey for Father’s Day to make him write about it.
To that extent, Ian Douglas has proven this point, rather than made his. As far as I can see – he hasn’t written a single article about the family courts.
The media simply can’t help themselves. The coverage for our cause is at best grudging, maligning, loaded with disdain and insult. ‘Heavy handed’ said Channel 4 news earlier this week. But thus as it ever was.
Back in 1914, Ian Douglas would have been the journalist calling suffragist Mary Richardson ‘deranged’, accusing her of ‘setting back the cause of Women’s suffrage back by a decade’.
If Tim Haries had sprayed ‘help’ on a portrait of the Chinese Premier, he would have be a dissident hero celebrated by the West. God knows, if he had committed this act in Russia wearing a neon pink Balaclava and his underwear, Madonna would be singing about him and Angelina Jolie would have adopted him.
But the vision of our society has become so distorted and twisted, that our Prime Minister (who condemned dads on Father’s Day 2011) today says he wants the ‘Syrian opposition to succeed’ by violence, but says nothing about dads succeeding in their fight to see their children using peace and love.
The state have destroyed this man and his family in an act of capital punishment, and yet we expect him to do nothing. We have suffocated him, denied him any voice or representation in our country – by the very people who are the first to condemn him. Yet we expect him to comply, quietly, conveniently as the rest of society turns a blind eye to the national emergency that is mass fatherlessness.
I hope Ian Douglas doesn’t have any children and I hope his children don’t have any either. For his sake, statistically, the cancer of family breakdown will happen to him and when it does – when he can’t see his children or grandchildren
– I want to see how far he will go for his family.
I know I would do anything for my children. What would you do Ian?
As Martin Luther King Jr wrote fifty years ago in his letter from Birmingham Jail, “…though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was not Jesus an extremist for love? Will we be extremists for hate or for love?”
The laws of Florida provide both parents with the right to have a healthy relationship with their child. However, men have to fight zealously for their father’s rights in Florida. Failure to do so could mean that they will not have a relationship with their child and they will not be protected financially after a divorce or a separation. While it is true that father’s rights are increasing in Florida and around the country, the courts still lean towards the mother. This is why it is essential to have a father’s rights attorney on your side fighting for you through the process. Get the Florida fathers rights help and advice you deserve today!
You Deserve Quality Fathers Rights
Florida family law statutes state that if a woman is not married by the time she delivers a child, the supposed father’s name should not be entered in the birth certificate of the child without a signed affidavit from both the mother and the presumed father. A biological father who is not married to the mother of his child has the right to file a claim of paternity, claiming that he is the father of the child. Forms to do so will need to be filed with the Florida Putative Father Registry. When filing this claim of paternity in Florida, the alleged father can state their wish to be informed of any adoption proceedings or dependency action. If the unmarried biological father fails to exercise these Florida fathers’ rights, they could lose their parental right to the child.
In case an unmarried mother has not taken any action to find out the paternity of their child, a man who believes that the child is his has the right to file a court order that will establish the child’s paternity through a paternity test. The paternity of the child must be determined by agreement of both parties, order of the court or operation of the law before the father can request their Florida fathers’ rights to custody. Getting a DNA test is a fast, simple, and relatively inexpensive way of proving that you are the father of a child.
Florida Father’s Rights to Time Sharing and Custody
Florida family laws do not favor either parent when establishing custody and time-sharing rights. At the beginning of a child custody case, both parents should have equal rights to custody and time-sharing. A parenting and custody plan will be formulated on the basis of what is in the child’s best interests. This can either happen through agreement of both of the parents, or by a court order dictated by the judge involved in the case. In most cases, both parents decide to work out an arrangement where custody, visitation, and all other issues dealing with the child are negotiated and written into a final custody judgment or parenting agreement.
Florida child custody laws dictate that both parents should be involved in taking care of the child and in making decisions that will affect the child. Psychologists believe that the best time-sharing and custody plan should involve both parents so that the child receives financial and emotional support from both their mother and their father. It is also best if both parents feel that they can participate actively in their child’s life. When this isn’t the case and cooperative parenting in a Florida child custody case is not possible, a judge will order one parent to have primary decision making authority. Our attorneys fight to get you joint custody so that both parents have decision making authority.
It’s never easy for a Dad or a woman’s father figure to give away his “little girl” to the man she loves, but it’s such an extraordinary gesture that means the world to both of you. One Dad wasn’t sure how to tell his daughter how much she meant to him on her special day, so he decided to do something extra special to let her know he will always love her.
Kevin McKeeveratNYC Dads Group -*By Dave Lesser, NYC Dads Group Guest Contributor* "It is the best job I've ever had ... but the pay sucks." That’s what I tell people when they ask how I like being a stay-at-home dad to two kids. And it's true. I love so many things about doing what I do. I get to laugh and play for a living. And there's important work to be done. I mold minds, for crying out loud! I nurture bruised knees and bruised feelings. I hear the lessons I teach and the words I say repeated back to me in the world's most adorable voices. Some of the words are not totally age-appropriate, but that makes the...more »