Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts


Adversarial System in Family Courts in the USA, Mexico and Latin America.

Guarda y custodia. Interés superior del menor

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 1 day ago
Lunes, 13 de Enero, 2014 *MÉXICO* Enlaces: *- Visita de la Asociación Mexicana de Padres de Familia Separados al PAN-DF.*- * Asociación Mexicana de Padres Familia Separados* - COMUNICADO: Alineación paternal tras el divorcio - Congreso del estado aprueba la "Alienación Parental"*-* Iniciativa que reforma el Código Civil Federal para erradicar la conducta de alienación parental. más enlaces al final de la entrada *Publicado por Carlos Meza Viveros* Carlos Meza Viveros De manera inexacta, algunos códigos sustantivos en el país consideran de manera taxativa que, cuando se dis... more »

Constitutional Fundamental Right to Parent in the U.S.A.


viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 3 hours ago
Miércoles, 11 de Septiembre, 2013 Publicado en FACEBOOK, por Carlos Gargon Dedicado al Juez de Familia de León Por favor, Leerlo y difundirlo. Dentro de unos días os contaré toda la historia. PARRAFOS DE UNA CARTA ABIERTA DE UN PADRE A UN JUEZ DE FAMILIA (VALE CUALQUIER JUEZ…) ….. Cuando un juez dicta una sentencia de divorcio sin entrar en las condiciones de vida en la que van a quedar los padres y lo justifica diciendo que lo único que atiende es el bienestar de los niños, está usando una falacia y al mismo tiempo es un canallada “legal”. Se por todo lo que he visto en el último ... more »


Role that parents play in their children's academic success



'Much work to be done before decades of federal overreach is reversed'

Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back.
The claim originally was included in a draft policy by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education and generously allowed that parents, too, should be allowed to help raise their own children along with the government, through various programs.
The document, the “Draft Policy Statement on Family Engagement From the Early Years to the Early Grades,” stated at the time: “It is the position of the departments that all early childhood programs and schools recognize families as equal partners in improving children’s development, learning and wellness across all settings, and over the course of their children’s developmental and educational experiences.”
That one sentence, wrote William A. Estrada, the director of federal relations policy for the Home School Legal Defense Association, “unmasks the federal government’s true philosophy behind decades of federal involvement in welfare, kindergarten through 12th grade education spending and policies, programs like Head Start, and now the push to create universal early education for young children from birth through age 5: the federal government believes that its role is equal with the role of parents.
The newest release of the statement, however, now provides that, “Families are children’s first and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers. Strong family engagement in early childhood systems and programs is central – not supplemental – to promoting children’s healthy intellectual, physical, and social-emotional development; preparing children for school; and supporting academic achievement in elementary school and beyond. Research indicates that families’ involvement in children’s learning and development impacts lifelong health, developmental, and academic outcomes.”
The HSLDA had blasted the earlier statement, in fact, dispatching Estrada to meet with senior officials from the U.S. Department of Education and “personally” explaining the significant issues with the draft statement, including opposition from parents to the “bureaucratic arrogance.”
The change is a very mich improved version, the HSLDA pointed out, making clear that “families have strong and sustained effects on children’s learning, development, and wellness.”
“Despite this victory,” the group explained. “there are other problems with the document that remain. The document’s working definition of ‘family’ still includes not only a child’s parents or legal guardians, but ‘all adults who interact with early childhood systems in support of their child, to include biological, adoptive, and foster parents; grandparents; legal and infromal guardians; and adult siblings.’”
HSLDA exlained, “In situations where conflict may exist between a child’s parents and other family members regarding educational choices, this still quite broad definition of family is not hepful for clarity regarding parental rights in education.”
The organization explained, “There is much work to be done before decades of federal overreach in K-12 education is reversed.”

The document does still include a suggestion that families and institutions “partner” to give children better results in school.
WND reported the original plan by the government was to “systematically” engage families about their own children.
“At HSLDA, we believe that these statements reveal these agencies’ true beliefs: that a child’s God-given family does not matter. Family is whomever or whatever the government says it is,” Estrada wrote at the time.
He cited other government agendas, such as pushing the political correctness in Common Core, “dangerous U.N. treaties,” as well as suggestions for universal preschool.
Federal officials have reversed their claim that they have “equal rights” to children to raise them, a claim that stirred outrage in many quarters of America when it was first made a few months back. The claim originally was included in a draft policy by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the […]


The Florida Bar and Florida lawyers' implied duty to the public as officers of the Court

Exposé on South Florida's

Garbage Family Law Lawyers

Exposé is defined ~1. The act or an instance of bringing a scandal, crime, etc., to public notice.2. (Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) an article, book, or statement that discloses a scandal, crime, etc.

The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s office must pay $7,645 in legal fees to a man who was wrongly accused of owing money to his ex-wife.

Fighting Fathers of Florida  will begin a series on Garbage Attorneys - they will explore how their excesses harm our children, how the courts are complicit in allowing this to happen so that their fellow Florida Bar members can profit, and what YOU can do to stop it.

"There is no crueler tyranny than that which is exercised under cover of law, and with the colors of justice "

– U.S. vs. Jannottie, 673 F.2d 578, 614 (3d Cir. 1982).



Chapter 4 of the Rules Regulating

The Florida Bar

Excerpts from the Preamble: A Lawyer's Responsibilities

"No disciplinary action should be taken when the lawyer chooses not to act or acts within bounds of such discretion....  The rules simply provide a framework for the ethical practice of law..... Violation of a rule should not give rise to a cause of action nor should it create any presumption that a legal duty has been breached.... They are not designed to be a basis for civil liability....  

Accordingly, nothing in the rules should be deemed to augment any substantive legal duty of lawyers or the extra-disciplinary consequences of violating such duty."

As one can see, these rules have very little significance in relation to the ethical conduct of members of The Florida Bar and Florida lawyers' implied duty to the public as officers of the Court.  What the rules seem to give, the preamble nullifies with a few skillfully crafted sentences carefully embedded within it.  Therefore, these rules are apparently nothing more than window dressing to disguise an ugly and vile commercial industry that reaps its rewards from the miseries and misfortunes of others.  The Rules of Professional Conduct appear to be a cruel hoax upon the public which gives clients a false impression that the practice of law is honorable and ethical.  The Supreme Court of Florida  approved every word contained in these rules.  So, who do you believe the Court is really trying to protect--the client or the Florida lawyer?

If you feel the need to file an official complaint with The Florida Bar against a Florida lawyer, click here to get the official form.  This form is in Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF) so almost anybody can print it using their own computer and printer.  It is certainly a lot easier than getting someone at The Florida Bar to mail one to you.  Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software to print it or any other PDF document you encounter.  Download Acrobat Reader here if you do not already have it on your computer.
Before filing your complaint you should peruse the Rules of Professional Conduct and pick out the particular rules that were violated.  Cite the specific rules violated in your complaint and describe how they were violated.  Keep your complaint reasonably short and stay on point.  Attach additional pages and copies of documents, etc. that will help illustrate the rule violations.  It does no good to rant and rave even though it may feel good at the moment.
Good luck!

If you need to file a judicial complaint against a Florida judge or judicial officer click HERE.


Lives are Damaged by False Domestic Violence Allegations

Each year, thousands of lives are damaged by false domestic violence allegations and/or charge.

Dear Friends,

June and October are Domestic Violence (and False Allegations) Awareness Months. Educate yourself about Domestic Violence and False Allegations then ask your local newspaper or radio station to cover this topic. [image: False Allegations Awareness Month] *Read More:*

Why do people - men and women - file false domestic violence charges?
Several reasons:
  • To gain leverage in a Child Custody Action.
  • To protect themselves when the police are called and they are afraid of prosecution if they don't make a false accusation.
  • To get 'payback'.
  • Simply because someone is angry.
  • To join the 'brotherhood and sisterhood of victimhood' - being a 'victim' gains a special status, a place of honor for their 'suffering'.

A Domestic Violence charge is far too serious to be trivialized by false allegations, which are rarely prosecuted on the flimsy ground that prosecuting false accusers would deter real victims.

CPI Report  ~~~>LIKE and SHARE 

If you think prosecutors should have integrity.

Prosecutors Engage in Wide Range of UNETHICAL PRACTICES

Judge Judy Sheindlin on False Allegations of Domestic Violence

One in six Americans know someone who has been falsely accused of domestic violence. The silver bullet in divorce, false allegations are sometimes used to obtain child custody.
This despicable act removes fit and loving parents from the lives of their children. Please take a moment, as soon as possible, and speak out for the millions of children who are missing a falsely accused parent. And do it for the parents who are grieving for their children, stolen with a lie.

Domestic violence law in Florida is not just one law, but several laws that operate together. Thus, it is more accurate to think and speak in terms of Florida's Domestic Violence Laws. The reason is very simple: Florida's legal system creates many different types of domestic abuse that constitute a violation of the criminal law.

One of the most significant problems with the entire statutory structure is the absence of even recognizing false allegations. Sure, Florida has a section prohibiting the filing of a false police report. Yet, the penalty is a misdemeanor - unless the victim of a false allegation is in a special protected class, such as law enforcement officers. Worse, these types of offenses are almost never prosecuted and when they are, they receive scant publicity compared to the publicity an alleged abuser receives.


June is False Domestic Violence Charge Awareness Month in Florida. Each year, thousands of lives are damaged by false domestic violence charges. Why do people - men and women - file false domestic violence charges? Several reasons:

  • To gain leverage in a divorce action
  • To protect themselves when the police are called and they are afraid of prosecution if they don't make a false accusation
  • To win a lawsuit, often without even filing one - gaining hush money
  • To get 'payback' for a slight, real or perceived
  • Simply because someone is angry
  • To win an argument in a very dramatic and public fashion
  • To join the 'brotherhood and sisterhood of victimhood' - being a 'victim' gains a special status, a place of honor for their 'suffering.'

A Domestic Violence charge is far too serious to be trivialized by false allegations, which are rarely prosecuted on the flimsy ground that prosecuting false accusers would deter real victims.

Real victims are people who have truly been victimized by the wrongful, violent conduct of another person - including victims of Domestic Legal Violence: The use of Law Enforcement Officers to physically force someone into jail and force them to be prosecuted and threatened with further imprisonment for a crime they did not commit.

SAVE public service announcement promoting equality with regards to domestic violence related issues.

by TheVisionProject        

This is a slide show of fun and friends played to our new song False Accusations. For now its just Matt singing with the acoustic guitar. We want to take this chance to thank everyone who has supported us so far , especiall…

by fathers4fairness         

Dr. Phil gets this women to come clean and admit she lied about DV which led to her husband being throw in jail for 10mths over DV he never committed.

by ManAmongOaks        

Beneath the facade of domestic violence law, exists an anti-male bias that destroys innocent men. "Los Misandry" is a slide show/video parody about modern domestic violence laws and the taxpayer funded, domest…

by NoMoreDVLies        

On March 14, 1993, CBS aired "Men Don't Tell," a TV movie about domestic violence starring Peter Strauss and Judith Light. The twist: Strauss's character, construction executive Ed MacAffrey, was abused by his wife…

June is False Domestic Violence Charge Awareness Month in Florida. Each year, thousands of lives are damaged by false domestic violence charges.

Why do people - men and women - file false domestic violence charges? Several reasons:
  • To gain leverage in a Child Custody Action
  • To protect themselves when the police are called and they are afraid of prosecution if they don't make a false accusation
  • To get 'payback'
  • Simply because someone is angry
  • To join the 'brotherhood and sisterhood of victimhood' - being a 'victim' gains a special status, a place of honor for their 'suffering.'
  • A Domestic Violence charge is far too serious to be trivialized by false allegations, which are rarely prosecuted on the flimsy ground that prosecuting false accusers would deter real victims.

"Most state laws require that courts treat mothers and fathers equally when it comes to matters of child custody. When I presided as a judge in Manhattan family court, that was the law, and that's how I treated each custody case. Families, especially children, suffer when this law is not followed. Unfortunately, I've seen this happen all too often. What has been your experience with this difficult subject? I look forward to your stories." ~ Judge Judy

Judge Judy Sheindlin on Joint Custody

When Judy Sheindlin was on Larry King Live last week, the issue of joint custody came up. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

SHEINDLIN ("Judge Judy"): I was a lawyer in the family court for ten years. I worked for the corporation counsel's office of the City of New York. I prosecuted juvenile delinquency cases. I did support and paternity. So, I was in the trenches and even then, Larry, it took me time.

I remember the first day that I took the bench. It was in the Bronx and the court officers, if was pretty formal back then, court officer said, you know, say "All rise" and I stood up because I was accustomed to they say "All rise." We stood and finally the court officer said "You can sit down now, judge. They're standing for you. You can sit down." So, even when you have experience you need time to get comfortable in your chair.

KING: I had a judge who became a federal judge told me once that the hardest thing to decide was custody cases. First he had no experience. Who has experience with custody cases? He's been happily married, has children. Who gets whom? Isn't that the hardest to give a child from one parent to another?

SHEINDLIN: Yes. Sometimes it's relatively easy because the choices are clear but I've always thought in this country we do a terrible disservice to fathers. You know there was a time many years ago when we had what we called the Tender Years Doctrine, which meant children of tender years, young children, always went to their mother.

And then all of the courts in this country said that's not fair. We have to be equal. So, on the books there is a law that says no one parent is favored over the other, now that's honored more in the breach than it is honored in actuality. And, I have been a proponent for many years of there being a presumption in this country for joint custody of children. That's where courts should start.

That's where you begin?

SHEINDLIN: That's where you begin and if you're going to deviate from that, you have to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that there is some valid reason why you're going to deviate from that because one parent is crazy, one parent has a drug problem, an alcohol problem, something's wrong.

But that should be the standard joint custody because children are entitled to be raised by two parents even if the parents don't get along anymore. I mean I think it's horrendous when one parent picks up and moves out of the state or moves 250 miles away and some judge in the family court, the domestic relations court usually if it's the mother who has moved away says, "Well, we'll have a hearing to determine whether it was the right thing."

No, no, no, no, no. You can't say to people who you've lulled into this sense of I'm equal, you're an equal father. You can take off paternity leave. We expect you to participate in the rearing of your children, to go to open school night, to be out there to play with them. Very often there are two people working in the household. They divide authority and you're equal except when there's a divorce.

And then, how often, Larry, I ask you the question, do you hear it quoted in the paper "He lost custody of his children"? You don't hear that. You hear "She lost custody. There must be something wrong with her."

Well I think that that has to change in this country because it was my experience in the family court, and I left the family court ten years ago, but even my experience on the television courtroom suggests to me that there are as wonderful a group of fathers out there as a group of mothers and it's about time that this country recognize that in not only the letter of the law but the spirit of the law as well.


Allegations of child sexual abuse are being increasingly invented by mothers to stop fathers from seeing their children, says a retiring Family Court Judge.


Remain an Equal Parent to your


We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.


The International Access and Visitation Centers conference was held in Toronto in April of 2013 The PAAO was there and spoke to most of the 200 or so practitioners. Of course all were familiar with alienation and its results. Everyone was not only gratified to see PAAO at the event, they all also acknowledged that...
Parental Alienation is either a form of Domestic Violence or on the continuum of Domestic Violence behaviors.

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Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.

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