
"Oh, dry the glistening tear that dues that marshal cheek Thy loving children here in them thy comfort seek ..."

"Oh, dry the glistening tear that dues that marshal cheek, Thy loving children here in them thy comfort seek, With sympathetic care their arms around the creep, For oh they can not bear to see their father weep”  ― W.S. GilbertThe Pirates of Penzance - Act II

Jason Patric - #StandUpForGus championing for #SharedParentin...
Jason Patric - #StandUpForGus championing for #SharedParenting and children's right to love both parents #equally Donate TODAY!
Posted by Stand Up For Gus on Friday, September 11, 2015
 From Children's Rights Facebook Group. Join us!!
"Government shall never be forgiven for supporting and rewarding one parent as they punish and torment the other."

Stand up for Gus, for Megan, and for every child forced to choose between one parent or the other.

Our children are the casualties of a flawed and adversarial family court system which perpetuates and prolongs custody conflicts for financial gain.

Whether you realize it or not, this affects you and has a negative impact on our society. 

Lets help reform our dysfunctional family the court system and save future children from this emotional abuse. Children need both parents.

To help bring our cause to the next level call, message or email me:
Joe Barrow Cell: 760-899-4423

A Powerful Letter to Family Court Judges

When family court perpetuates abuse.

Kimberly Bowers wrote this open letter to Oakland County, MI Family Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca. The judge jailed three children for not having a "healthy relationship" with their estranged father. The mother is now under a gag order and has been banned from seeing her children. Details here.
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This letter seems to represent the experience that far too many parents have had with our Family Court system's response to allegations of abuse.
Kimberly originally published her letter here.
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An earlier post about this case is here. 

An initial post is here.For updates follow this blog on twitter here.


"Systemic Induced Trauma." Will you be able to settle or will you end up in family court?

Domestic-Abuse-Accusations.jpg - Courtesy Paul Simcock via Getty Images

Will you be able to settle or will you end up in divorce court? The only reason divorcing couples end up in divorce court is because one or the other refuses to negotiate, mediate or be flexible and come to an agreement with the other.

Ninety-five percent of all divorces are settled outside court. That is an encouraging statistic, but it needs to be known that the other 5% are the ones that keep the Family Court System working over time.
It is that 5% that tend to go back to court repeatedly. At times over frivolous issues that could be solved if one of the parties would make the choice to respond to the situation in a rational manner. It has been my experience when working with clients that the underlying issue with people who are continually going back to court is the need to get even with an ex-spouse.
There is either the spouse who refuses to follow through on an agreement in an attempt to get back at their ex-spouse or the spouse who withholds child visitation or child support in an attempt to get back at an ex-spouse. They use the Family Court System to keep from having to deal with each other and to keep from having to accept responsibility for the role they play in the ongoing conflict with their ex-spouse. It is toxic behavior that damages all involved including the one engaging in the behavior.
In other words, they keep a legal system backlogged because they have emotional issues that need to be dealt with. So, here is some advice from me, if your ex pushes your buttons emotionally and you want to get back at her/him by going to court, get thee to a therapist’s office, not an attorney’s office.
Karin Huffer, a marriage and family counselor in Las Vegas has identified a new disorder for a nation already reeling from chronic fatigue syndrome, Internet addiction disorder and other new-age afflictions.
It's called “legal abuse syndrome”, and it can strike crime victims, litigants, attorneys, and anyone who has dealt with the Family Court System. According to Dr. Huffer, “legal abuse syndrome (LAS) is a form of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a psychic injury, not a mental illness. It is a personal injury that develops in individuals assaulted by ethical violations, legal abuses, betrayals, and fraud. Abuse of power and authority and a profound lack of accountability in our courts have become rampant.”
Using the Family Court System to abuse an ex only promotes more conflict. If you are of the belief that going back to court or engaging in behavior that defies a divorce court order you are engaging in legal abuse. A therapist can teach you skills needed to resolve conflict in a healthier manner, skills that will save you not only emotional stress but all the money you give a divorce attorney every time you are angry with your ex.


Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Registry records prosecutorial misconduct
Jan 12, 2014

The Center for Prosecutor Integrity’s registry comprises 201 federal cases dating back to 1997 in which prosecutorial misconduct was found by a federal trial court or appeals court. It lists the type of case and the nature of the misconduct, from withholding evidence to perjury. The registry also includes any sanctions imposed by the court.
The information is intended to educate the public and provide a research tool for attorneys.
According to the center, the Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct was created to provide hard data that could lead to accountability by prosecutors.
“We expect many groups will use it,” said E. Everett Bartlett, Center for Prosecutor Integrity president. Among those, Bartlett included lawmakers, criminal-justice programs, forward-looking prosecutor organizations, and advocacy groups such as the Innocence Project.

On its website, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity defines itself as an organization dedicated “to preserve the presumption of innocence, assure equal treatment under the law, and end wrongful convictions.” It defines prosecutorial misconduct as “a violation of a code of professional ethics or pertinent law, or other conduct that prejudices the administration of justice, whether intentional or inadvertent.”
Bartlett expects to expand the database, and his center has calculated that there have been at least 15,000 instances of prosecutorial misconduct in the U.S. since 1970 in all state and federal courts.
Bartlett said the registry was created following several articles about the issue of prosecutor conduct, including stories in USA Today andThe Arizona Republic.
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Center for Prosecutorial Integrity Launches “BRING A PROSECUTOR TO JUSTICE” Campaign…...
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My name is Lorraine A. Mogus and I did not seen my Mother Helen A. Mogus in the last five years of her life due to a...
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Bronx Prosecutor Barred from CourtroomThe prosecutorial faux pas has raised questions about the integrity of the Bronx District Attorney’s office.See:
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Recent Proof of Prosecutorial Misconduct Mirrors OCDA's Bad Old DaysInside the Orange County district attorney's...
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Parents accused of failing to pay child support can defend themselves against the felony charge by saying it is "Impossible to Pay"


If we understand what is happening is INJUSTICE then we must fight to change things

"If we understand what is happening is INJUSTICE then we must fight to change things." ~ Vladek Filler


The United States Constitution is the wellspring of civil rights for American citizens. The Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, subsequent Amendments, and Supreme Court rulings, define our fundamental freedoms and outline our unique system of law which, in the words of Founding Father John Adams, assures that American democracy remains a “government of laws and not of men.”

The term “civil rights” refers to the fundamental freedoms of the individual. These rights are rooted in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1868:
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any State deprive any persons of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The original purpose behind the 14th Amendment was to protect the rights of Blacks newly freed from slavery by President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Lamentably, southern states passed a series of so-called Jim Crow laws during the following decades that promoted racial segregation and discrimination, all under the guise of “separate but equal.” Beginning in 1917, the U.S. Supreme Court began to strike down these laws. 

1 Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 marked the close of the infamous Jim Crow era.
Once again, Americans’ fundamental liberties are being challenged. This time, the justification emanates from a social mandate to curb intimate partner aggression, commonly referred to as “domestic violence.” This Special Report enumerates and analyzes the far-reaching impacts of domestic violence laws on Americans’ civil rights.
“We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.” —Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Following are the 12 civil rights that have been undermined by Family and Domestic Violence laws. 

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