Florida Supreme Court Committee to Host Public Meeting on Future of Florida Courts
Corte Suprema de la Florida Comité acogerá reunión pública sobre el futuro de los tribunales de la Florida
Rally for the love and protection of our children and families.
Miami Dade County Commission Chambers 111 N.W. 1st Street, Second Floor Miami, Florida 33128
Reason: Almost on a daily basis we hear of cases of children dying while in custody of the Family courts/Department of Children and Families.
Reason: Almost on a daily basis we hear of cases of children dying while in custody of the Family courts/Department of Children and Families.
Florida is the leader in the nation in these deaths, 533+ a few months ago, as per a Miami Herald report :http:// pubsys.miamiherald.com/ projects/2014/ innocents-lost/database/].
This rally is the first in a series of events that will unite the body of Christ in defense of “the least one of these”, the children of our nation. "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40). We are calling all churches in Miami to participate. Please, spread the word.
Convocatoria por el amor y la protección de nuestros niños y familias
Febrero 23, 2015. De 3pm a 7pm en el Miami Dade County Commission Chambers 111 N.W. 1st Street, Second Floor Miami, Florida 33128
Motivo: casi a diario oímos de los casos de niños que mueren mientras que están bajo la custodia de los tribunales de familia / DCF. Florida es el líder en la nación en estas muertes, 533+ hace unos meses, según un informe del miami herald: http://

Esta convocatoria es la primera en una serie de eventos que unirán al cuerpo de Cristo en la defensa “de los más pequeños de estos”, los niños de nuestra nación. "El Rey les responderá: En verdad os digo que cuanto hicisteis a uno de los más pequeños de estos hermanos y hermanas míos, a mí lo hicisteis."(Mateo 25:40). Hacemos un llamado a todas las iglesias en Miami para participar. Por favor, difundir la palabra.

Brought to you by Leaders of Peace Foundation, and Family Unity Worldwide: www.fundacionlideresdepaz.o
As an example of the physical and psychological child abuse we are trying to prevent, and of those who are trying to destroy American values and foundation: In God We Trust.Gay Judge prevents Christian man from praying with his children. As a consequence, child ends up with Major Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of this Judge:

A General Summary of the Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting at The Florida Bar.
In crafting and opposing legislation, the Bar's goal is simple: write family law to maximize judicial discretion in order to maximize litigation. The Bar wants to maximize litigation so that divorce lawyers can charge vast sums to pick the last remaining dollars off the bones of the formerly intact family.
I urge Florida citizens to wake up to this hypocrisy and ask Scott to sign the alimony bill that passed both chambers by more than a 2-1 margin.
Gordon E. Finley, professor of psychology emeritus, Florida International University, Miami

Posted by Children's Rights on Thursday, August 13, 2015
Dear Member of the Maine Judiciary Committee of the Legislature,Re: Judging judges: hearings on judicial appointments...
Posted by Children's Rights on Thursday, August 13, 2015
We welcome a chance to respond to Divorce Corp‘s invitation to speak out on the topic, “oversight of judges” or the...
Posted by Children's Rights on Thursday, August 13, 2015
Posted by Children's Rights on Friday, September 4, 2015
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Friday, August 28, 2015
Family Law Reform, Inc.
The Family Law Section of the FL Bar's real motivation:
The Family Law Section of the FL Bar's real motivation:
The letter below was published in The Tampa Bay Times on Saturday, April 27, 2013 and is followed by the Editorial to which it responded. It was published by Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. , FIU Professor Emeritus in Department of Psychology with a Ph.D. in Social Relations from Harvard University. He has studied the effects of alimony on families and children for many years. Dr. Gordon has given us permission to re-publish his letter as needed.
Letter titled: "The Bar's real motivation"
Here is why Gov. Rick Scott should ignore the Divorce Vultures of the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar and sign the Alimony Reform bill.The Florida Bar is motivated only by greed — not the best interests of the child or even those of the divorcing parents. In crafting and opposing legislation, the Bar's goal is simple: write family law to maximize judicial discretion in order to maximize litigation. The Bar wants to maximize litigation so that divorce lawyers can charge vast sums to pick the last remaining dollars off the bones of the formerly intact family. I urge Florida citizens to wake up to this hypocrisy and ask Scott to sign the alimony bill that passed both chambers by more than a 2-1 margin.
by Gordon E. Finley, professor of psychology emeritus, Florida International University, Miami
Our family courts are nearly all-powerful, unaccountable star chambers that openly reject due process, traditional legal rights and the Constitution itself. Family courts are civil courts or courts of equity, not criminal courts, so most constitutional protections and procedures do not apply, even though these courts have been given tremendous power. They routinely take couples’ children away from them without trial on the flimsiest accusation of abuse from a teacher or neighbor, limit or eliminate one or both parents’ contact with their own children after divorce without any evidence of wrongdoing on the parents’ part, order parents to pay the fees of lawyers and psychotherapists they did not hire, and send parents to jail without a hearing.
There is no such thing as other people’s children. – Hillary Clinton
Undemocratic Institution
The family is a highly undemocratic institution. The nuclear family consists of one man and one woman, a highly specific and unliberated straitjacket of a social structure. They have loyalty to one another greater than that to society at large and also dedication to their own children, over whom they have authority—and any private authority is a rival to the government’s. To a true democrat, this preference for one’s spouse and authority over one’s children violates the principle of equality, which proclaims that we must treat everyone exactly the same. For the modern democratic statist, these loyalties and authorities weaken his own power and inhibit the ongoing concentration of all authority in one central government.


Published on Aug 30, 2013
Ron and Sherry Palmer are helping parents understand parental rights and children's rights and why they haven't been respected in divorce. Children are not property anymore -- children's rights and parent's rights are based on the concept of liberty. The questions we must now ask are: How do you assert your constitutional liberty rights? What is the true authority of the court and what is the true authority of the parents? Do the courts get to choose one fit parent over the other in divorce? Do children have a constitutional right to choose one parent over the other? Do children's rights entitle the child to cut a fit parent out of their life?
The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been interpreted to provide EVERY AMERICAN with the CONSTITUTIONAL right to self-representation, if they so choose. That privilege, like all other constitutional rights, should be enjoyed without fear of harassment, prejudice, or abuse. Furthermore, no law, regulation, or policy should exist to abridge or surreptitiously extinguish that right.
Self-Represented Litigants have no less of a right to FAIR
and MEANINGFUL due process under the federal and state constitutions as those
individuals who choose to utilize an attorney for their legal affairs and
issues. In fact, NOWHERE in any state or federal constitution does it specify
that the hiring of a lawyer is a prerequisite to exercising one's due process
rights. Democratic principles dictate that we have the right to freely choose
between self-
representation and hiring a lawyer to handle our legal matters without suffering humiliation, prejudice, or penalization. After all, it is the parties to the litigation that ultimately have to deal with the consequences of the case's outcome, and not the judge or the lawyers involved in the matter.
representation and hiring a lawyer to handle our legal matters without suffering humiliation, prejudice, or penalization. After all, it is the parties to the litigation that ultimately have to deal with the consequences of the case's outcome, and not the judge or the lawyers involved in the matter.
Contrary to the view of certain judges and lawyers, those who opt to litigate their own legal matters without an attorney are NOT second-class citizens deserving of contempt and injustice. Instead, they are BRAVE CITIZENS with an inalienable right to have their legal causes adjudicated objectively and justly -- with or without a lawyer. Self-representation can be a difficult, time-consuming, and often frightening experience, especially for those burdened by demanding work schedules, family responsibilities, and other obligations of day-to-day living. Accordingly, those who engage in the difficult task of self-litigation should be REVERED for their COURAGE and DEDICATION, not scorned or abused.
We also need to amass momentous opposition against those
persons, agencies, and institutions who, in the interest of protecting huge
profits, careers, and prestige, subject self-litigants to a hostile and often
abusive litigation atmosphere calculated to suppress self-representation and
force people to become completely and financially dependent on lawyers to gain
"paid" access to a taxpayer-funded legal system.
"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph." ~ Emperor Haile Selassie
January 28, 2015
ReplyDeleteDear President Obama:
Dear Representative Ros-Lehtinen:
Dear Senator Nelson:
Dear Senator Rubio:
We, the undersigned, are writing in hopes of bringing to your attention a dire misjustice that is occuring in our state as well as many others across the US. Laws inacted to protect the victims of the vile crime of domestic violence are being misused by both citizens as well as law enforcement, and in this process innocent men's lives are being destroyed. In most states, the burden of proof is being thrown out and the simple word of the acuser is being taken without question, many times without the accused even being allowed to speak. True victims of domestic violence, some of whose names you will find below, find this to be deplorable. Not only can a woman falsely accuse a man of domestic violence without fear of consequence, but the accused man has no voice against her. The accuser can be a mentally disturbed individual using such laws to exact her revenge against a man who simply does not want to be in a relationship anymore, and her word is automatically taken, even when no evidence is in place. The man in such cases is automatically arrested, injunctions are automatically set in place, and even if he is able to prove his innocence in court he has lost months of his life due to the fact that she cried wolf. Worse yet are the cases of these innocent men who are poor and have no means to hire private attorneys. Their public defenders assume they are guilty and therefore do only the bare necessities to be their legal voice.We are not in any way asking for a revocation of the laws that protect true victims of domestic violence. Our wish is that these laws be revisited and indications made to to allow for criminal and civil prosecution when someone, whether male or female, has misused these laws in a vindictive and cunning way. We also would ask that law enforcement officers, public attorneys, and judges be forced to recognize the precept that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, in the cases of domestic violence accusations, the opposite is true. An example of this is that of a 20 year old Florida resident who made the bond that was set for him, only to be picked up the very next day without provocation. The acuser in this case simply told the court she was afraid. He had done nothing in terms of trying to contact her or see her, and was not without several witnesses the few short hours he was free. Something must be done to prevent those who would lie about being a victim of domestic violence from continuing to do so. If it is not, our prisons will be overrun with innocent men and our streets will be controlled by the women who sent them there.
A False Police Report of Domestic Violence was given to my daughter\'s mother by the Miami-Dade Police Department after I put my best foot forward 6 years ago when I filed my Paternity Suit. The complete explanation of this nightmare available on my Children\'s Rights Blog the article called \"Reckless Disregard\" at http://www.ILoveAndNeedMyDaughter.blogspot.com . During this ordeal I have successfully completed 36 weeks of supervised visitation with my daughter at the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center. I've received superb references via reports written by Family Court Services staff/observers that were submitted to Judge Manno-Schurr of the 11th Judicial Circuit of Miami - Dade County Florida and are archived in case no. 2008-29595 FC 17. Keep in mind that I have joint custody of my son. The point is that anyone and everyone that has seen my daughter and I together knows that I am a great dad. The Judge refuses to read the entire history of the case and after 3 reports that indicate I\'m a great father she refused to accept my suggestion that my daughter and I meet with her in Judge\'s Chamber. She refused saying she was not a psychologist. I said to her that she doesn't have to be a psychologist...she just has to be HUMAN. — at Family Courthouse -Miami-Dade.
Mr. David Inguanzo