Please, share with those you know: The wounds and scars left by the crimes committed by a dysfunctional Family Court system (i.e. Family Courts, Juvenile Courts, Dependency Courts, Department of Children and Families (DCF a.k.a Child Protective Services (CPS)), Foster Homes, etc.) are as real as physical wounds. Its victims are left with deep psychological and spiritual wounds and need help to deal with these most painful issues. The negative effects of our currently dysfunctional Family Courts routinely lead children and adults to suffer not only from serious mental issues such as major depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), and many others, but in a large enough number of unfortunate cases, can also lead to suicides, homicides, and a number of other serious crimes, not to mention, the enormous economic cost that it brings to our societies from broken homes and lives.
The wounds may not be visible, but they are certainly as real, and painful, at times even worst that being hit or physically attacked or robed by gangsters on the streets. That's why support groups are so important. All family court victims should try to join one. From this unity will flow love and healing power for you and your families. When we unite to help each other, a transformation will start happening by the renewing of our minds, and we will go from being victims to reformers; our experiences will help us identify and solve the problems in the Family Court system to reform it.
To help us deal with these issues, we are creating a support group. Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday February 4th at 3:00 p.m. at my practice located at 2433 SW 147th Ave. Miami, Fl 33185. Follow up meeting every other Saturday. Please, send me a private message (PM) so we can reserve a seat for you. God bless.
Mario A. Jimenez Jerez, M.D.
What we do in this life will echo forever in eternity. For this reason, I am following the footsteps of my ancestors by fighting for democracy in the US and around the world: http://saynotopas.com/ my-democratic-beliefs-and-r oots/
Letter to Florida Senate Judiciary Committee
Please sign and Share!

by Parentalrights.org Florida As the Florida Coordinators for wwwParentalRights.org, my husband Jim and I are pleased to announce that we have a 2015 Parental Rights Bill being filed in the State of Florida Legislature!
Rep. Michael Bileca (R-Miami Dade) has courageously undertaken the cause in the House of Representatives by deciding to file a Parental Rights Bill. We thank Rep. Bileca, (a home schooling father), for his support of this measure. For more information on the critical need for this type of law, see the informational links at the bottom of this e mail..

Please, share with those you know: The wounds and scars left by the crimes committed by a dysfunctional Family Court system (i.e. Family Courts, Juvenile Courts, Dependency Courts, Department of Children and Families (DCF a.k.a Child Protective Services (CPS)), Foster Homes, etc.) are as real as physical wounds. Its victims are left with deep psychological and spiritual wounds and need help to deal with these most painful issues. The negative effects of our currently dysfunctional Family Courts routinely lead children and adults to suffer not only from serious mental issues such as major depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), and many others, but in a large enough number of unfortunate cases, can also lead to suicides, homicides, and a number of other serious crimes, not to mention, the enormous economic cost that it brings to our societies from broken homes and lives.
The wounds may not be visible, but they are certainly as real, and painful, at times even worst that being hit or physically attacked or robed by gangsters on the streets. That's why support groups are so important. All family court victims should try to join one. From this unity will flow love and healing power for you and your families. When we unite to help each other, a transformation will start happening by the renewing of our minds, and we will go from being victims to reformers; our experiences will help us identify and solve the problems in the Family Court system to reform it.
To help us deal with these issues, we are creating a support group. Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday February 4th at 3:00 p.m. at my practice located at 2433 SW 147th Ave. Miami, Fl 33185. Follow up meeting every other Saturday. Please, send me a private message (PM) so we can reserve a seat for you. God bless.
Mario A. Jimenez Jerez, M.D.
What we do in this life will echo forever in eternity. For this reason, I am following the footsteps of my ancestors by fighting for democracy in the US and around the world: http://saynotopas.com/ my-democratic-beliefs-and-r oots/
Letter to Florida Senate Judiciary Committee: http://saynotopas.com/ florida-sjc/
Please sign and Share!
http://chn.ge/ 1xRM4Kj?recruiter=86993820

The wounds may not be visible, but they are certainly as real, and painful, at times even worst that being hit or physically attacked or robed by gangsters on the streets. That's why support groups are so important. All family court victims should try to join one. From this unity will flow love and healing power for you and your families. When we unite to help each other, a transformation will start happening by the renewing of our minds, and we will go from being victims to reformers; our experiences will help us identify and solve the problems in the Family Court system to reform it.
To help us deal with these issues, we are creating a support group. Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday February 4th at 3:00 p.m. at my practice located at 2433 SW 147th Ave. Miami, Fl 33185. Follow up meeting every other Saturday. Please, send me a private message (PM) so we can reserve a seat for you. God bless.
Mario A. Jimenez Jerez, M.D.
What we do in this life will echo forever in eternity. For this reason, I am following the footsteps of my ancestors by fighting for democracy in the US and around the world: http://saynotopas.com/
Letter to Florida Senate Judiciary Committee: http://saynotopas.com/
Please sign and Share!

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