Showing posts with label Parental alienation syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parental alienation syndrome. Show all posts


If You Seek a Bio-chemical Cause for Mental Health Disorders, You will become the “Little Train that Couldn’t”

If You Seek a Bio-chemical Cause for Mental Health Disorders, You will become the “Little Train that Couldn’t”

By Linda J. Gottlieb, LMFT, LCSW-r

If You Seek a Bio-chemical Cause for Mental Health Disorders, You will become the “Little Train that Couldn’t”

My opinion on the origin of mental illness is controversial to many in my profession. I maintain that emotional disturbances are situationally and not bio-chemically caused. But this position did not originate with me. It originated with my mentor, Salvador Minuchin, the world-renowned, highly respected child psychiatrist. Dr. Minuchin (as with his contemporaneous psychiatrists who founded the family therapy movement, such as Murray Bowen, Don Jackson, Jay Haley, Carl Whitaker, Nathan Ackerman, John Weakland, et al.) does not accept an intra-psychic or biochemical cause of mental disorders. Resulting from 65 years of practice, Dr. Minuchin affirms that traumatic situations; unhealthy relationships; and dysfunctional family dynamics, such as the PAS, cause mental health disorders. Diagnosis of mental health is not a science! There is no empirical evidence for any mental health disorder. You cannot inject the brain, withdraw serum, and have it analyzed. Any psychiatrist or mental health diagnostician worth his/her salt (and even those who are not worth their salt) must acknowledge that diagnosis of emotional disorders is based merely upon “impressions.” 

Mental health patients are guinea pigs when they are prescribed an array of psychotropic medications and subjected to a host of invasive procedures, such as ECT. At least Dr. Minuchin’s assessment for the cause of mental disorders offers optimism while remedy is benign and unintrusive: if you discard unhealthy relationships and situations, you will be symptom-free. A symptom free life is therefore possible without being subjected to invasive medications and procedures. Dr. Minuchin has recognized that he is a salmon swimming upstream when he articulates this; but think about it: if his analysis was to become the norm, then 90% of the psychiatric community would need to become educated about relationship therapy. And it would also be more costly for the health insurance industry, which would then have to incur the expenses of reimbursing for more protracted relationship therapy instead of for the quick fixes of drug therapy. No wonder there is such resistance to accepting this not so novel assessment of mental health diagnosis—-in spite of 60+ years of empirical evidence and scientific support for this perspective.

Although this may come as a shock to many readers, our current state of psychiatric diagnosis is NOT science. If it were, then psychotropic medications would not need to be persistently adjusted up or down in dosage, completely changed, and/or supplemented with other medications. The simple explanation for why medications so frequently fail to achieve a reduction in symptoms is because symptoms do not result from a chemical imbalance. Just compare the administration of medications for medical disorders: when, for example, an antibiotic is given for an infection, it is highly probable to be effective in resolving the symptoms. And if Dr. Minuchin was to be asked, he would likely explain that it is a patient’s history of having taken psychotropic medications that subsequently caused her/his chemical imbalance: in essence, such medications had upset a NORMAL chemical balance. Do not take my word for it: read the many books by Dr. Minuchin and the previously referred- to psychiatrists—-all of whose writings are listed in the reference at the conclusion of this article.

Dr. Minuchin’s opinion is supported by the recent research of Dr. Irving Kirsch, psychologist at Harvard University, who discovered that a placebo was equally as effective as were antidepressants in treating mild to moderately depressed patients. It was only the small percentage of highly depressed patients who responded better to antidepressants.


A form of child abuse has been associated with anxiety, depression, criminality and even suicide in child victims.

A new billboard campaign will spotlight a form of child abuse called parental  alienation.

Parental Alienation is associated with anxiety, depression, criminality and even suicide in child victims.

The billboard image shows a child being pulled out of the loving arms of her father while declaring:

"I am not parental prey. Help me keep mommy AND daddy."
SOURCE: Canadian Association for Equality

Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. When they do dads are being made increasingly irrelevant in the life of their kids, often as a result of spite or malice, with tragic consequences on children, families and communities.


Parental Alienation Awareness Day and Bubbles of Love Day

April 15, 2016

Parental Alienation Awareness Day & Bubbles of Love Day
Only 10 days or so to go to the 10th Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day and 6th Annual Bubbles of Love Day! There are many events planned throughout the world on this day. You can view most of them here at this link and for Bubbles of Love Day events, this link.

If you are organizing an event, please go to this link to list your event alongside the rest of the world. No event is too small, and every event counts.

Remember the goal of PAAD/BOLD is to raise awareness about the damages caused to children by Parental Alienation. Be sure to have a brochure or handout ready to give out to people when  you invite them to join in raising some bubbles, or when they come and talk to you. You can find the PAAO brochure at this link or you can make your own.

Thank you to everyone who participates on this day. A friendly reminder to send in 4-8 photos of your event for the annual video collage. Ideally please name your photos (your city)(Yourstate)(year).jpg or .png. For example OakvilleON2016.jpg or HustonTexas2016.jpg to help with organization.

Remember, Together We Can Make A Difference!

Great News From Our Friends In Finland


PAAD/BOLD on Dad's Divorce

Type Title Here

Our very own Roger van Maris, director of PAAO, did an interview with Dad's Divorce about Parental Alienation Awareness Day and Bubbles of Love Day.

Go to this link view it.

A big thank you to Shawn Garrison of Dad's Divorce for asking us for an interview to promote the day.


Feature Film Needing Your Support
Another feature film starring Academy & Emmy Award nominee actors focusing on the subject of Parental Alienation needs your help.

This independent film called "The Decree" is intended to educate the public about Parental Alienation. The story is told through the eyes of the affected children. 


Soft and cuddly Panda Abuzz has the following written on his hands: 'Mom Loves Me' on one hand, and 'Dad Loves Me' on the other.

Available in Bulk this year at 10 bears for $50 or 20 for $90 or 30 for $120.


Dear Members & Supporters 

Please be aware that there is another organization based in the US that has a similar logo and name to ours (Parental Alienation Awareness Organization). 

PAAO has no affiliations or links to this organization. Any donations, purchases, memberships or contacts made through sources other than and it's newsletter will not be available to PAAO. 

We apologize for the mass confusion this other organization appears to be causing out there. We are doing our best to reason with them, in the meantime, please be aware that all PAAO communications will come from the domain ONLY. 

Please also note PAAO does not have any chapters. We are about children, education and awareness. We do not have support groups or chapters. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us 

PAAO Board of Directors
Recognition of Parental Alienation in Romania
On February 28th, 2016, PAAO got word from Catalin Bogdan of that on February 1st the Institute of Forensic Psychology* recognized Parental Alienation, and Eleven days later, on 12.02.2016 the College of the Psychologists** also recognized the alienation. Their recognition was published on 25.02.2016 in the Official Gazette of Romania (which is where Laws needs to be published in order to enter into effect). 

This opens the gates for further study into the subject, more forensic evaluations from judges before making decisions, and moving towards positive legislative change!

Congratulations to our friends in Romania at such tremendous forward movement. It inspires us to keep pushing forward for our children and future generations.

To read more about it, go to (translated) or

Note: * The Institute of Forensic Psychology has about 300 members

** The College of the Psychologists is the one and only state acknowledged professional association, hosting all psychologists (31,740 of them!) who are allowed to practice psychology in Romania

Erasing Family Social Media Campaign

Note: (hashtag) above refers to the number sign. This email software would not allow me to include it into the text.
ErasingFamily 3
Erasing Family is a documentary in the making about Family Bond Obstruction‬ when a child is prevented from loving or seeing part of their family after their parent´s ‪‎divorce.

We want photos from all over the world, so please share and make sure to include where you are from in your post.

Erasing Family - CAN YOU HELP?

There is a new documentary being shot about children who cannot see one parent or an entire side of their families.  

The film, Erasing Family, is an international follow up to the Argentinean documentary Erasing Dad, which is FREE to watch. More information about that here

We want to make the new project also FREE, so that everyone who wants and needs to see this film has access to it. 

The team behind this documentary is asking for volunteers to help with the crowdfunding campaign (to get a lot of small donations for the film) contact info@erasingdad.orgif you can help.

For more information and to watch a four minute video that explains the impact the first film had, visit

Petition, Need YOUR Help
The National Alliance for Targeted Parents is petitioning the American Psychological Association (APA) to publish an official position statement on our unique and unreasonably controversial situation. We have been in contact with several APA members and they have been very gracious; they want to help us. The APA Committee on Children, Youth and Families will be holding their next committee meeting in April. In response to some of the Alliance's latest efforts, this committee will have a few of our concerns, as targeted parents, on their agenda. We want to give them even more to talk about with this petition.

When you sign the petition, you will be given the option to leave a comment. If you are or were a targeted parent, and if you are comfortable with it, we suggest that you leave a small summary of your situation. Write a simple summary. Write the most poignant parts of your story. Your simple message may be the one that pierces the heart of an APA member who finally stands up for us and makes things happen.


paaoHollywood is about to start shooting a movie about parental alienation, called SHADOW IN THE RAIN.

Tommy Bull is the co-director and will play the role of Frank. Tommy Bull was voted the best director in the 6 year TV series MIAMI VICE, and he also was a lead actor in that show. 

Tommy Bull has now directed 30 feature movies and 40 television shows. 

Joining him is lead actress Lori Singer who starred in the $80 million movie FOOTLOOSE, after beating out Madonna for that part. Tommy Bull won the Golden Halo Award and best actor and director for SHADOW OF THE DRAGON. 

SHADOW IN THE RAIN is based based on the true story of co-director Scott Robertson's life.
Be sure to check out their facebook page and watch for the movie.
Dealing with Skype Calls With Your Children During Divorce from Custody Calculations on Vimeo.
Child Custody and Divorce Coach Catherine MacWillie discussing Skype Calls with Children during and after divorce at presentation at International Support Network for Alienated Families, ISNAF Long Beach, California 2013.
Overwhelmed, frustrated, financially drained and exhausted. Emotions can last long after the divorce as custody issues go on year after year after year. For some, long after the children are grown and living on their own as adults.

As calls for reform gain momentum, in cities, states and countries around the globe; as organizations and pioneers look for solutions; as social media connects individuals who reach out for information, referrals, books, articles and other resources; a new internet service is preparing to launch after 10 years of research by CEO Catherine MacWillie. Services are so unique that there is a patent pending on the process.

Custody Calculations, CEO, Catherine MacWillie has 32 years of experience dealing with Family Law. Nearly, 24 years as a retired LAPD officer, responding to radio calls related to divorce and custody issues; child abuse, domestic violence, homicide, abduction, suicide, violation of court orders, violation of restraining orders, stalking and more.

The last 8 years as a Child Custody and Divorce Coach where she worked with clients on a one on one basis. The company has clients all across the US and internationally. Services are provided by phone, fax, emails, text messages etc. Workshops, webinars, media interviews, etc are also provided to educate families and others dealing with custody and divorce issues and to comment on breaking stories related to crime, custody and divorce.

The company always intended to provide services through the internet. More information, more comprehensive to more families, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For pennies on the dollar. Certainly far less money than what an attorney would charge to provide the same information or a Divorce Coach.

After a first round of private funding and several months in production is nearly ready to launch. Only a few more weeks. Imagine using phrases in your divorce and custody no matter where you are in the process like “privacy and dignity.” A first for Family Law.

The change was as simple as dividing the court order into three stand alone court order documents; property, financial and custody. Using our new services when dealing with custody issues, parents will simply show police, school officials the custody order. Not the financial court order and not the property court order.  

No longer will various agencies read your private information when dealing with custody issues such as how much was owed in credit cards, how much is paid for child support, spousal support, if the family fought over the family dog etc. Information that can act to bias police and school administrators.

The same with financials. The bank doesn’t need to know what your custody percentage is or your schedule. Which can act to bias financial personnel too. When parents are done dealing with the property order or the financial court order, they simply file it away. Pull out the court orders only when you need to when you need them.

Frustrated and unable to keep straight the 10 – 12 court orders dealing with your case? Which sections on which court orders are valid and which are not. With our new services, keep the number of court orders to three. With only valid sections applicable on each of the three orders, property, custody, financials.

When you hand the court order to law enforcement officers, only valid sections will appear on each court order eliminating confusion and paving the way for law enforcement to once again enforcing court orders. Especially with the addition of specific dates of custody in the court order as opposed to the current process  which is often confusing and frustrating for everyone. There is more. Much more. Services will be available for use internationally with some modifications. Later the system will adjust for this issue but not on initial launch.

Please note; The company just recently registered as a Public Benefits Corporation. A special category for companies addressing social issues with a commitment to act morally and ethically as opposed to being profit driven exclusively.

To secure special prototype pricing and obtain  additional information go Enter your email address. Limited number of openings for prototype pricing. For less than the price of one hour with an attorney you can get all of this and more.

Dr. Kathleen Reay Webinar January 24.

Is traditional therapy the right choice?

Top 10 Reasons Why Traditional Therapeutic Approaches Won't Work in Severe Alienation Cases: An Intro to the Family Reflections Reunification Program
Link to my website

If you have any question as to what kinds of therapy are appropriate in severe cases of alienation, join Dr. Reay as she presents an authoritative perspective from many years of successfully reuniting parents and their children.

Register here. $10 (plus service charge)

PASG (the Parental Alienation Study Group) newsletter.

Go to the most recent PASG Newsletter and Read about the most recent PA legislation, the controversy that won't quit in German, and the unfortunate passing of E. James Anthony, M.D Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist.

Spring conference - AFCC

AFCC 's 52nd Annual Conference, Children in the Court System: Different Doors, Different Responses, Different Outcomes, will be held May 27-30, 2015,

Conference information is here.

The Law, and DSM 5 - Brian Ludmer

Webinar - July 28, 8pm Eastern time

Brian Ludmer Photo fullBrian Ludmer is one of our great natural resources. He has spoken throughout North America, He has advised and represented men, women and their troubled children in Family Law disputes for many years. Along with Dr. Amy Baker and Michael Bone he is working a new PA resource, "The high conflict custody survival guide". This webinar will highlight what you can do to represent your alienation case, and in particular how the DSM 5 has enhanced the odds for success.

To register for a $10 fee, and receive the webinar login instructions on the day of the webinar, Click here

Bringing Awareness to the harmful acts of PA, one mile at a time

Imagine that you were a 23 year old parent, with a child that loves giraffe's and the color orange and you had a tremendous need to raise that child in a healthy way, but your child was being alienated, what would you do?

ROB HARPER has let us know what he IS doing!

Rob and his long time friend Nicolas Driscoll are bicycling from Virginia to California raising awareness of PA so he can make a difference to his child and children everywhere.

Follow his journey from coast to coast and be inspired by this heroic young man's campaign.

Last months Webinar recording, $12

Dr. Bill Bernet

DSM-5_3DThe webinar told participants about the definition used the team working on including PA in the DSM, and then Dr. Bernet took us through the new sections of the DSM which refer to alienating behaviours and results.

The webinar was recorded in it's entirety and is available for downloading for a small of $12. To get the recording click here.

An important Court Case

guilty-257x300Here’s an important decision after a second 5 week trial for the same family (both decisions are linked below). So many of these cases go on for years. We need to recognize this behaviour at the earliest stages and intervene immediately – such PA perpetrators are not self-aware and don’t change, even when given chance after chance
Some important aspects of this case: 
1. Emphasis on positive covenants to promote the other parent, not just the usual negative covenants that are difficult to prove without inferences or tape recording 
2. Recognition that favoured parents have to care about the children’s behaviour towards the targeted parent and do something about it 
3. Tolerance for disrespect and cruelty towards the targeted parent is finally “called-out” using the concept “you promote that which you permit”. 
4. Clear recognition that therapy won’t work with the children still in the orbit of the favoured parent and toxic extended family environment 
5. Clear recognition of alienated children and children suffering from cognitive distortions as being at risk of emotional harm within the meaning of child protection legislation
PAAO - For The Children

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