...who saw this happen to my Father, just know. You are in our hearts, forever and always.

I know I can never fully fathom what my Father went through, let alone the pain that is in all of your hearts, after being separated from your children - it's absolutely devastating, and sickening that mothers can turn so manipulative and mean, and cause so much pain, using children as a manipulation tactic against you.
I know even after all of my Father's rights were taken away (literally, from weekend visits, to supervised visits) because my Mother, like many of your ex's lied to the court system, and completely eradicated any rights he did have.
My father once fought to the extremity to just even see us, call us, talk to us for five minutes on the phone, and it makes me so sad to know how much time had been wasted, not being able to even connect with my Father.
With that being said there is hope, and this is what this comment was about.
I know usually it does not come granted through the court system, since it's completely biased, and one sided, but there is hope. Never give up, because your children, everyday, think about you. Miss you, love you, and you are in their hearts and you will forever have a place there, there is nothing in this world that could replace you, you are planted there, like a tree, with roots of love that will never be eradicated by any court system, any manipulative mother, any lies, distance or time.
I know usually it does not come granted through the court system, since it's completely biased, and one sided, but there is hope. Never give up, because your children, everyday, think about you. Miss you, love you, and you are in their hearts and you will forever have a place there, there is nothing in this world that could replace you, you are planted there, like a tree, with roots of love that will never be eradicated by any court system, any manipulative mother, any lies, distance or time.