Parental Alienation Videos - YouTube Playlist
the terms; Parental Alienation or Parental Alienation Syndrome did not make it
into the DSM IV, not all is lost. Instead, what you will find is a discussion
regarding the 'Child/Parent Relational Problem' where the discourse surrounds
the cognitive issues of the problem that have the potential to include;
"negative attributions of the other's intentions, hostility toward or
scapegoating of the other, and unwarranted feelings of estrangement."
According to Dr. William Bernet, one of the proponents for the PA language
inclusion, "That's a pretty good description of a child's view of the
alienated parent. “ At the very least, what has been acknowledged here is the
conditions that must be present for alienation of one parent to occur. This is
similar to what Dr. Craig Childress calls the 'parental alienation dynamic'.
Same/same. All it really amounts to is the DSM IV acknowledging that these
behaviors can lead a child to have cognitive problems of feeling 'unwarranted
feelings of estrangement' towards what we call the 'target parent'.
The International Access and Visitation Centers conference was held in Toronto last month.