
Legal Abuse by the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Valerie Manno Schurr

Dr. Karin Huffer - Legal Abuse Syndrome »
Dr. Karin Huffer is the author of "Legal Abuse Syndrome" has had PTSD recognized and approved to allow special accommodations in the courts. Her work is phenomenal 

As advised by lawyers, separating and/or divorcing parents often make false allegations of domestic violence (DV) in the form of a restraining order to evict an innocent parent from the home, interfere with contact with child/ren, and then file for temporary custody (virtually never temporary). False police reports are often obtained and used in DV Court...called "information only reports", but contain a fabricated incident of DV and thus a serious crime if and when exposed.

Judge Manno Schurr Brings Nursing Background to Courtroom

Judge Valerie R. Manno Schurr, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida. Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Valerie Manno Schurr had been a nurse for a dozen years when she passed the Florida Bar exam. She kept working in the operating room.
"One day we had a new surgeon come in, and they said, 'You know there's a lawyer in the room. You better be careful,' " she said. After the operation, "the head nurse came to me and said, 'You know you made that guy very nervous. He didn't like that there was a lawyer in the room.' "
The Miami Beach native pursued nursing right after graduating from North Miami High School, urged on by her sister, who was already a nurse.
"I couldn't decide what I wanted to do, and she said, 'Why don't you go to nursing school? It's a great job. You're going to love it.' " Manno Schurr recalled. "And I did. I really did. Nursing is a wonderful, wonderful profession."
She started in oncology at Mount Sinai Hospital.
It was emotionally trying. Her mother died of breast cancer at 37 when Manno Schurr was 5. Caring for cancer patients took its toll.
"You're just trying to prolong their lives," she said. "I wanted to take care of a patient, get them better and never see them again. These people kept coming back and coming back. They come in. They get diagnosed. You give them chemo, and they would get worse and worse and worse."
Even though some were cured, she said the work was still painful for her. After two years, she got reassigned to the intensive care unit, then the recovery room. "Then I got cross-trained to work in the operating room," Manno Schurr said.
"I did paperwork. I'd get the patient from the holding area, check the band—'Are you so and so? Are you having this surgery?' You have to make sure that everybody knew what we were doing," she said.
She served as the operating room's official historian and monitor, recording every event and keeping track of every instrument and piece of equipment used.
"I would do: Time patient in the room. Time patient on the table. Anesthesia started at this time. The time of the first incision," she said. "And then when they would start to close, I had to count everything."
The operation couldn't end until every item was accounted for, down to every single sponge—even if it meant, as she once did, getting down on her hands and knees and searching under the operating table to find it.
Dual Career
In 1989, she said, "I started getting restless. I just wanted to do something else. I knew a bunch of people that were at UM law school. … Actually, we went to the law school, and I sat in the back of the room. They didn't say anything. They let me do it. And I said, 'I think this is very cool. I think I want to do this.'
"The next thing I know," she said, "I'm a law student."
Manno Schurr kept working as a nurse and as a clerk at a law firm steps from the Flagler Street courthouse.
"I went to night school, and I had a job Saturday and Sunday that I worked from 7A to 7P" in the ICU units at local hospitals, she said. "I went to school at night."
After Manno Schurr graduated, she said, "It took me a couple of years to get a job." When she did, her years of experience in hospitals paid off.
"I got a lot of work doing medical malpractice," she said. "That's what people wanted me to do."
In 1996, she left to form a general civil litigation practice with her husband. In 2004, she ran for county court and lost. She ran again for circuit court in 2006 and won.
"I loved being a nurse," she said. "I loved being a lawyer. Now I'm here, and I love it. I'm very happy."
Still, she kept her nursing license active until just a couple of years ago, and she keeps her nursing honor society pin in her chambers. And she said her years of nursing still pay off in the courtroom, in more ways than one.
"I've been in every division. I started off in dependency; I went to criminal and civil. When I was over there in civil and I was trying a medmal case and the doctor was testifying on the stand, it was great because I knew everything that was going on," she said.
Now in the family division, Manno Schurr said: "Everybody who's on the bench, all of us, we bring to this job all of our experiences in life, and it makes you a better judge. I think that being a nurse gives me a lot of compassion, especially in this division. It gives me a lot of compassion for people."
Like many of the judges, she said, she might someday teach, but not necessarily at a law school. She said she'd rather teach nursing.Read more:

What's being said

David Inguanzo-Petitioner-2008-029595

Jul 10, 2015
Judge Manno-Schurr is my 8 year-old Paternity - Family Court Case Presiding Judge. The 5th Judge to preside over my simple case; an unwed biological father seeking to maintain contact with his daughter Zoraya (Google and Judge Manno-Schurr is enabling Child Abuse via Parental Alienation.

On March 25th, 2015, in a special set hearing at the Family Courthouse, Judge Manno-Schurr interrupted my testimony while on the witness stand to notate the court reporter‘s record saying…

Judge Manno-Schurr:  "the father (me) is turning red in the face, yelling at me, and pointing his finger at me"
Stuart Abramson (for Petitioner), objected noting the record:  "the father has been diagnosed with PTSD your honor".

Judge Manno-Schurr (this is why you should rethink this article) said:  "Mr. Inguanzo were you in the military?"


How about that for a Registered Nurse!!!


Congressional Testimony:  Glen Gibellina to Bill Windsor of Lawless America


Advancing the Cause of Parental Rights in Florida

We are pleased to announce that we have a 2015 Parental Rights Bill filed in the State of Florida Legislature!

Rep. Michael Bileca has courageously undertaken our cause in the House of Representatives to sponsor Parental Rights Bill HB 737. In the Senate, Sen. Thad Altman has done the same with SB 1532. We are thankful for these legislators and their efforts. Please extend your gratitude to them by clicking their names above, and sending them a thank you note via e mail.


Contact the three Legislators below via e mai

These three legislators chair committees that the 2015 Parental Rights Bill (HB 737) needs to pass through.

Rep. Kathleen Passidomo(R) 
Civil Justice Committee Chair ~ Email:

Rep. Charles McBurney(R) 
Judiciary Committee Chair ~ Email:

Rep Gayle Harrell (R)

Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee Chair

What should I write?
Here is some suggested Language for your e-mail. Add edits as needed to personalize if desired. But remember - keep it short and to the point. Lengthy e mails lose their power because they are not likely to be read by the Representative or their staff.

Subject Line:
Committee Chair - Please Support HB 737 Parental Rights Bill

Body:Dear Rep. (Their Last Name),

This e mail is to express my strong support for HB 737 - The Parental Rights Bill. I support it because I believe that Parents should have a fundamental right to direct the care, upbringing and education of their children. This bill has been assigned to the committee that you currently chair. I respectfully ask that you allow HB 737 (Parental Rights Bill) to be discussed and voted on in your committee.

I look forward to seeing HB 737 Parental Rights Bill passed as Law in Florida this year!

(Your Name)

The injustice in family courts - A Poem and a Letter


Carta a los Padres

"El 90% de los niños que se van de casa son de familias sin padre"

"El 85% de chicos con desórdenes de conducta provienen de familias sin padre"

"El 80% de las violaciones con violencia son protagonizadas por chicos sin padre"

"Los chicos sin padre protagonizan el 71% del abandono escolar"

"El 75% de los adolescentes en centros de desintoxiación NO CONOCEN A SU PADRE"

"El 70% de los jovenes en reformatorias CRECIERON SIN PADRE"

Los comentarios pertenecen a este enlace:

Una Carta A Los Padres

~ Written by Oscar SostresSoy un hijo más de esa generación de los ochenta, que creció viendo Dragones y Mazmorras, Barrio Sésamo y Oliver y Benji.No conocí el franquismo, nací y crecí en democracia, y no voté la Constitución que hoy nos rige a todos. Soy de una generación que pasó la niñez con el caso GAL y Luis Roldán y se ha hecho adulta con los sobres de Bárcenas. Una generación tildada de conformista, que sin embargo se ha manifestado por todo y contra todo, desde el no a ETA y a la corrupción de la clase política hasta la guerra de Irak y el Prestige, pasando por la unidad de España. Soy de una generación lacerada por la crisis, el paro y la falta de oportunidades, la mejor formada de la historia, la generación que empezó a hablar inglés. Soy de la “Generación Perdida”. ¿"Generación Perdida"? Eso es que no te conocen a tí, papá.

Porque se le hace un daño psicologico tanto al padre como al hijo u hija
Foto de Jason Nelson

Hay muchas cosas respecto a la paternidad que no llegaré a entender del todo hasta que no sea padre: qué se siente cuando tu hijo te llama “papá” por primera vez, da los primeros pasos, escribe las primeras palabras... ser padre es el regalo más maravilloso que puede darte la vida.

Pero también debe ser el trabajo más duro: no importa lo bien que lo hagas, siempre te pre- guntarás si lo hiciste lo suficientemente bien, no importa lo que te prepares, siempre te preguntarás si estás lo suficientemente preparado, no importa cuánto des, siempre tendrás la duda de si diste poco o, quizás, diste demasiado.

Ser padre es tener en tus manos la responsabilidad más grande que jamás se te haya presentado.

De lo que si puedo hablar es de lo que se siente siendo hijo: sabes que siempre va a haber alguien para recogerte después de una caída, que hay alguien que reza por tí todas las noches, que te pregunta las tablas de multiplicar antes de dormir, que te enseña a jugar al ajedrez, al fútbol, a navegar, te cuenta las historias más asombrosas y te hace creer en el ratoncito pérez y en los reyes magos. Sé lo que se siente cuando escuchas su nombre por la calle y respondes con una gran sonrisa: “sí, ese es mi padre”.

Aún no alcanzo a entender del todo, papá, como es humanamente posible que estés siempre ahí cuando te he necesitado. Cómo has logrado, con cada palabra, cada abrazo, cada lección, cada valor aprendido, mos- trarme mi camino por el mundo. ¡El gran sacrificio que ha debido suponer pensar en tus hijos antes que en tus propias necesidades!

Gracias a tí, nunca me he sentido perdido. Y si alguna vez, sin saberlo, lo he estado, siempre he tenido tu consejo, tu cariño, tu paciencia y tu tiempo, para volver a encontrarme.

Sábado, 8 de Marzo, 2014
Concentración día del padre 2014 en MURCIA
Concentración día del padre 2014. MADRID
"El concepto de padre es más completo que visitar a un hijo"
- Hijos de padres divorciados  (página de FACEBOOK) 
Otros enlaces referentes al día del padre:
Día del padre  (2013)
¿Por qué el 19 de marzo se celebra el Día del Padre?
Día del Padre:¿cómo acompañar a niños que perdieron al papá?
Día del Padre: festejar cuando los papás están separados
La otra cara del Día del Padre
Los padres separados vuelven a demandar la custodia compartida como norma general(Segovia)
Custodia compartida - Día del padre 2012. 
3ª Convocatoria en Murcia
Concentración día del padre 2013.(Madrid)

 otros enlaces al final de la entrada en "Más información"
Lo tienen todo, excepto a sus padres
Huérfanos de padre en vida
Crecer sin padre es una tara para toda la vida 
Estadísticas sobre comportamiento/consecuencias de hijos sin padre (EE.UU.)
- FIGURA PATERNA AUSENTE: Breivik, el autor de la peor matanza noruega desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial
El Supremo mantiene la custodia a una madre que se llevo a su hijo a EEUU

La ideología de género y sus consecuencias sobre la relación paterno-filial
El peligro de crecer sin padre
- Huelga de Hambre por los derechos de su hija de 2 años, Santiago Moraleda Santa Cruz 06/07/13 TOLEDO (video entrevista a un hombre que intenta evitar exponiendo su vida en peligro la orfandad paterna de su hija)
- El modelo de familia repercute en el aprendizaje
-  Las 72.000 familias problemáticas con ningún padre y ninguna figura masculina
(traducido al español)
 -Exhibe experto la “padrectomía” 
Matar al padre 
Padrectomía, la otra violencia familiar
No te vayas papá - Justicia de género - Alienación parental - Padrectomía (youtube)
 -  Efectos de la custodia compartida en los niños y adolescentes, experiencia extrajera
María Calvo Charro, "Paternidad escamoteada"
Lo tienen todo, excepto a sus padres
Huérfanos de padre en vida
 Crecer sin padre es una tara para toda la vida 
 - Ventajas de la custodia al padre y el contacto para el bienestar psicológico de los niños en edad escolar 
 - La Asociación Custodia Paterna nace para ayudar a los padres divorciados
- Custodia Paterna afirma que los hogares monoparentales de hombres con hijos han pasado de 30.000 a 50.000 en cinco años
Papá pasa de ser ídolo a ser ejemplo de vida
 - José Luis Sariego, Respuestas a la incertidumbre de la custodia compartida
  A propósito de los peligros de la custodia compartida en menores de 6 años

 Te necesito, papá
-  “Los niños necesitan tanto la figura materna como la paterna”
- La Figura Paterna en la Familia 
- Acerca del Derecho de los niños y las niñas a tener papá y mamá
Hijos de familias disfuncionales presentan más problemas en mercado laboral
El eclipse de la figura del padre y la violencia en la sociedad
El ex juez Serrano defiende en Rota la necesidad de legislar a favor de la figura paterna
El importantísimo rol del papá en la autoestima de los hijos 
"La custodia monoparental provoca fracaso escolar y sensación de abandono en los hijos"
 - La importancia de los padres en el desarrollo saludable de los niños
Ser Padre III – La Gran Necesidad de tus Hijos
Testimonio: Una hija lejos de su padre
Día del padre 2013: Su mujer le dió la custodia de los hijos a cambio de la hipoteca
Padres se concentran este lunes en Jerez en defensa de la custodia compartida y la figura paterna
¿La educación nórdica es la mejor del mundo o se trata más bien de un gran error? 

Posted by Derechos de los hijos de padres separados on Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Family Court Ordered Psychological Evaluations

  • Confirmation bias: why psychiatrists stick to wrong preliminary diagnoses

  • Around 20 per cent of psychologists acting as expert witnesses for the family courts are not qualified, according to a Channel 4 News investigation broadcast tonight, writes producer Phil Carter.

  • Donald Tenn says 

    OK, OK, OK! That’s “3″ Okays for the “3″ people who sent me this story today. I am sharing the story but this is one of those stories that you just don’t share. THIS IS AN ACTION STORY! I mean how can you read this story and not do something? At the very least a letter must be written, there must be some additional attention to this case. 

    There are some stories that are just so outrageous that you can’t just simply share… you must take action!

    That being said, none of us should ever forget William Reddie of Michigan. If you don’t remember what happened to William Reddie and his child, what are we doing here? United we could accomplish so much that every government agency or their representatives would think twice before abusing another one of our children anywhere ever.


    Federal lawsuit filed against Miami Family Court Judge Manno Schurr.

    South Florida LawyersI've previously noted William S. Burroughs and his "cut-up technique," where you take a perfectly understandable linear text, cut it up into individual words or phrases, and then reassemble it all back together again into a new, wholly inexplicable and completely non-linear artistic expressionWell that seems to have happened in this new federal lawsuit filed against Judge Manno Schurr. 
    I'm rarely this effusive, but let me be clear -- I believe these pro se litigants have lifted the mechanical, soul-sucking drudgery of preparing a complaint into the lofty realms of high art. 
    Indeed, these visionaries should be applauded for confronting and challenging the reader, and for daring to radically reimagine -- nay -- forquite literally unshackling us -- from the small-minded, restrictive and fundamentally bourgeois chains of Rule 8(a). 
    I'm fairly certain Judge King will see it the same way, don't you agree?

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