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The Love and Iron Project


Family Law: The Root Of The Problem Is This…

One of the huge problems we have in our fight for Family Law Reform is the problem of “enablers”.
We’ve got so many people enabling and empowering the horrific behavior going in within Family Law.
We’ve got lawyers counseling clients that it’s right and good for them to limit or eliminate the relationships between children and NCP’s to gain freedom and child support. We even have lawyers who will subtly coach clients on how to make false allegations to gain an advantage.
We’ve got judges who absolutely detest hearing custody disputes, so they use a variety of direct and indirect methods to make the cost of enforcing visitation prohibitively expensive (child support, litigation, procedure, unequal enforcement of family court orders)
We’ve got court-appointed social workers who are making a killing by mining data the necessary data to support a decision they already know the Court wants to make.
We’ve got supervised parenting services who are actively promoting that during divorce, this service is healthy, when in fact; it’s a very powerful weapon of alienation.
We’ve got politicians who are using Family Law to play political games, spinning public perception away from the truth in order to secure the votes of single mothers, who, are one of the fastest growing demographics.
And last but not least, we’ve got the friends, families, and co-workers of alienating and abusive parents who either directly tell these people what they’re doing is okay, or indirectly do so by looking the other way.
In any case, alienators and abusers keep getting the message: “What you’re doing is right and good. You deserve to be happy. Keep it up!”
There is no other way around it. If we really want change, if we really care about children; we must abandon our need to avoid conflict.
Be mindful and of public opinion, but don’t NEED it. Be wise, not fearful.
If we want change, we have to accept this reality:
Lawyers will not change their behaviors until the Courts change their behaviors.
Courts will not change their behaviors until the Laws are changed.
Laws will not change until the politicians are changed.
And politicians will not change until public opinion changes.
Therefore, we can sit here on pages like this and bitch and moan all day long about our ex’s, the family court industry, courts – all of it.
But we must not deceive ourselves. Change will NOT happen until each and every one of us develops to will, each and every day, to confront the problem.
One cannot escape personal responsibility for our futures, and to do otherwise, makes no different than our opposition. It just provides us with different reasons to be hypocrites.
I will NOT enable you, because I want you to succeed. We are better than them, and we WILL get what we want.
~ Michael
Over 7,000 people have joined the campaign

We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.


There are no empirical or clinical tests to diagnose for mental health disorders.

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2011
Millions of kids and adults are told they're mentally ill and that mental disorders like ADHD or Bi-polar are the same thing as having a medical condition like diabetes or cancer. I've got one thing to say to those pushing this pharmaceutical agenda: Prove it!
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 In fact, the cause is most likely due to unhealthy peer relationships and dysfunctional family dynamics.

"The Myth of Mental Health Diagnosis"

"There are no empirical or clinical tests to diagnose for mental health disorders.  In fact, the cause is most likely due to unhealthy peer relationships and dysfunctional family dynamics."

Please read the Mental Health Articles and listen to the Podcasts.

We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.

La paternidad y el medio ambiente afectan a la producción de células cerebrales: estudio

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 11 hours ago

Viernes, 3 de Mayo, 2013 Un equipo de investigadores del Instituto Hotchkiss Brain (HBI, en sus siglas en inglés) de la Universidad de Calgary, en Canadá, han descubierto que la producción de las células del cerebro adulto puede ser determinada, en parte, por el entorno parental temprano, lo que sugiere que la doble paternidad puede ser más beneficioso que los padres solteros. En su estudio con ratones, vieron que la paternidad y el medio ambiente afectan directamente en la producción de células cerebrales. Los autores creen que aunque todavía no se sabe, es posible que haya efecto... more »


Time to acknowledge the caring moments of fatherhood that often go overlooked

Three quarters of dads say they are responsible for their child's emotional well-being, while only 20% of dads see this role reflected in media. It's time to acknowledge the caring moments of fatherhood that often go overlooked.

This Father's Day, share the "Calls For Dad" film to celebrate with a dad in your life.

Official Site:
Follow @DoveMenCare on Twitter
Follow @DoveMenCare on Instagram

Share your #RealDadMoments on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Source: 2014 Dove Men+Care Dad Portrayal Study

The Father's Rights Movement is not anti-mom, anti-woman, and/or anti-gay.

We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.

Divorcio y Derechos de los Hijos.

10 derechos de los hij@s de divorciados

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 3 hours ago
Jueves, 28 de Noviembre, 2013 Enlaces: Página de FACEBOOK: *Hijos de padres divorciados* - Los 10 problemas de los hijos de padres divorciados - Atrapados entre papá y mamá - Navidad, una encrucijada para hijos de padres divorciados - Separación con hijos: 10 consejos para padres divorciados más enlaces al final de la entrada (en "*más información*") *Patricia Maguet Levy * Facebook Twitter @psicolafamilia No tenemos noticias de que se haya celebrado una convención internacional de *hijos e hijas de padres s... more »

Congreso del estado aprueba la "Alienación Parental"

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 13 hours ago
Jueves, 28 de Noviembre, 2013 *MÉXICO * *-* Iniciativa que reforma el Código Civil Federal para erradicar la conducta de alienación parental. Enlaces: - Cónyuge que se dedicó a los hijos recibirá indemnización: SCJN - Efectos de la custodia compartida en los niños y adolescentes, experiencia extrajera - Una juez ordena que tres menores vuelvan a México con su padre - Las dos versiones enfrentadas en el caso de los hijos de Isabel Monrós - Un padre lucha por recuperar a su hija retenida por su excuñada en México - La falta de la custodia compartida en México es un problema social - Trib... more »

Mucho dolor, poca justicia

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 5 hours ago
Viernes, 13 de Septiembre, 2013 *PARAGUAY* Enlaces: - PADRES POR SIEMPRE - Paraguay - Entrevista 11/09/2013 Radio Cardinal AM(youtube) - III Charla sobre Síndrome de Alienación Parental página de FACEBOOk de "Padres por Siempre" en Paraguay UNIDOS CONTRA EL SÍNDROME DE ALIENACIÓN PARENTAL Padres decidieron unirse para luchar férrea y legalmente contra la alienación parental. Cada uno de ellos, separados ya de quienes fueron sus parejas, sufren el no poder ver ni educar a sus hijos. “Padres por siempre”, se define como una organización dispuesta a visibilizar un grave problema familia... more »

We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.

CUSTODIA PATERNA - Viernes, 3 de Mayo, 2013 *Publicado el 17/03/2013 *
Audio institucional de nuestra organización:
¿Que pedimos a las autoridades?
Nuestra lucha se centra el derecho de los niños a un vínculo sano con sus dos padres y toda su familia luego de un divorcio o separación.

Los papás saben tanto como las mamás

viso at CUSTODIA PATERNA - 4 hours ago

Jueves, 28 de Noviembre, 2013 Enlaces: - Los niños sin referente paterno pueden volverse adultos agresivos - ESTUDIO CIENTIFICO - EL PROCESO DE VIOLENCIA EN LA DESPARENTALIZACION - Divorcio: las consecuencias de vivir sin un padre. - Huérfanos de padre en vida - Padrectomía, la otra violencia familiar - María Calvo Charro, "Paternidad escamoteada" más enlaces al final de la entrada (acceder a traves de "*más información* "). *Patricia Maguet Levy* Facebook Twitter @psicolafamilia En un artículo publicado en la... more »


The Economy and Divorce


Posted by Lawyer - Tanya Helfand on February 21, 2012
        The main obligation of the Courts and for attorneys is to obtain a fair result.  As the economic downturn continues, the Courts are having to make rulings to accommodate job losses...

We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.


A motion of no confidence for family court.

"Do you have any idea how devastating it feels when people (mom, her lawyer, bad judge), acting under the color of law, hold your children hostage while the huge railroad train called the judicial system runs you over? Then wondering every second of the day if your child is safe? It is torture for those parents who CARE about their kids and I know MOST of you readers are caring, loving parents. I know because I have met them in the programs you shoved down my throat."

A motion of no confidence is a statement or vote which states that a person in a superior position — be it government, managerial, etc. — is no longer deemed fit to hold that position. This may be based on said person falling short in some respect, failing to carry out obligations, or making choices that other members ...more

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We only support organizations who show an understanding that children need both parents, and that either parent is equally capable of the choice to perpetrate hate or declare peace.

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American Coalition for Fathers and Children

Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.

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